25 July 2010

Who is God?

Today one of my good friends asked me a question I never really thought about. He asked me my opinion on answering unbelievers questions about who God is. And I was speechless. Of course I know who He is in my life, and I have a testimony to prove it. But who is He in a sum of words? Me being a young Christian, both figuratively and literally, I am no expert, and I did not want to give the wrong information. So it got me thinking. If someone were to ask me today, Who God was, would I have an answer...A perfect answer? The answer? No, I wouldn't. I can talk about him on my facebook, write these posts all day long 24/7..but if I have no answer for it..it is meaningless. So I have decided to change the blog. I will still post my poems, but It will be along the lines of my journey on finding out who God is. I will be as a scientist doing research, acting as a child finding out the intimacies of his Father. God is someone who I know that even through spending eternity with Him and getting to know Him better, I still won't grasp His fullness. But if I could just get a taste it would be a start for my hunger. So until next time.
God Bless,



  1. Good for you Tiffany! It's important to seek out these things and come to better understand who God is. We will never completely understand God, and I'm okay with that. He's God!

    I just finished teaching a class on apologetics stemming from Lee Strobel's book A Case for Christ. If you have a chance, I would recommend it. I have a few notes on our Sunday School website too if you're interested (http://www.ffwbcchtn.blogspot.com)

    God bless you Tiffany and thanks for your comment on Kingdom Bloggers.

  2. God is the Great I AM, He is the one and only God Almighty. God gave mankind a free gift of Salvation through His Son Christ Jesus. If you want to know more about God, come over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings too you. Lloyd

  3. Hi Tiffany, God will reveal Himself to you as you seek Him, though He is so magnificent, we are not able to understand the entirety of God.

    I learn more and more of Him as I read His Word. May you continue to grow in Christ every day.
    Eve from Eveshouse.blogspot.com
